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Driving Government Delivery


The Central Results Delivery Coordination Unit (CRDCU) was established by Presidential Executive Order 12 of 2022 (Amended as Order 13) titled "Improving Performance Management, Coordination and Implementation of Presidential Priorities of the Federal Government of Nigeria." CRDCU's mandate is to track the implementation of Policies, Programmes and Projects of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in line with the Presidential Priority Areas of the Federal Government and ensure Government's promises are delivered to the people.


The CRDCU is headed by the Special Adviser to the President on Policy and Coordination, Hadiza Bala Usman. She supervises a crop of officers drawn from the Federal Government’s Leadership Enhancement and Development Programme ( LEAD-P), as well as from the private sector. These officers who are designated as Delivery Managers provide  hands-on priority-specific support to the Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government for the effective and timely delivery of government projects and programmes. Within each Ministry there is a Delivery Task Team comprising of the respective Directors of Planning, Research and Statistics and designated Delivery Desk Officers who collate the performance data on the Ministry’s progress towards achieving its Ministerial deliverables.

The Central Results Delivery Coordination Unit works with sector-expert consultants and technical partners to build a formidable alliance with stakeholders including citizens towards ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of Federal Government priority policies, projects, and programmes.


  • Manage, track and report on the progress of implementation of high-impact priority policies, programmes and projects of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN).

  • Ensure effective delivery of the high impact priority policies, programmes and projects of the FGN.

  • Coordinate and support effective collaboration among government agencies in the delivery of priority policies, programmes and projects of the FGN.

  • Accelerate the delivery of FGN priorities by addressing bottlenecks and issues that impede delivery

  • Coordinate quarterly and annual performance reviews of the FGN MDAs working with reputable independent assessors.

  • Conduct Annual Ministerial Performance Review Retreats as may be approved by the President.

  • Coordinate citizen engagements on the priority projects and provide up to date information to citizens.


  • Increasing transparency in government delivery and performance management

  • Entrenching a culture of  accountability in the delivery of Presidential priorities and other government initiatives.

  • Streamlining bureaucratic processes while improving performance management tracking.

  • Enhancing participatory governance by fostering a citizen-centric approach.

  • Fostering inter-agency collaboration.

  • Strengthening data-driven decision-making in governance.


Building a culture of efficient and responsive governance.


Our Vision

To set a standard of responsible, innovative, and accountable governance hinged on the effective delivery of presidential priority policies, projects and programmes. Meeting the needs of Nigerians, and ensuring an inclusive society with shared prosperity.




Coordinates the process of identifying Presidential Priorities in collaboration with Ministries.


Supports the Government in the development of Ministerial Mandates and Performance Bonds to be signed by all  Ministers and Permanent Secretaries with the President.


Supports the Ministries to ensure that all resources and are focused on the delivery of agreed priorities, especially in the implementation of annual performance plans and resolution of issues impeding delivery.


Sensitises citizens and citizens-based organisations, (working with the Open Government Partnership - OGP) on the Presidential Priorities.


Tracks and provides validated quarterly reports to the President on the implementation of the priority policies, programmes and projects by working with the Ministries, Citizens and Development Partners.


The CDCU perform the following functions


 Coordinate the process of identifying Presidential Priorities and set targets in consultation with Ministries and in collaboration with Ministries.


       Support the Government in the development of Ministerial Mandates and Performance Bonds to be signed by the Ministers and Permanent Secretaries of each Ministry with Mr. President.


Support the Ministries to ensure that resources and efforts are focused on the delivery of agreed priorities, especially in the implementation of annual performance plans and resolution of issues impeding delivery.


Sensitize Citizens and Citizens-based organisations, (working with the Open Government Partnership - OGP) on the Presidential Priorities.


Provide sufficient guidance to Ministries to meet all the requirements for effective tracking of Presidential Priority Policies, Programmes and Projects including the development of templates and capacity building when and wherever required.


Track and provide validated quarterly reports to the President on the implementation of the priority policies, programmes and projects, working with the Ministries, Citizens and Development Partners.


Serve as Secretariat to the implementation Committees for the Presidential priority policies, programmes and projects.


Our Mission

To track, monitor and produce reports on Presidential priorities, policies, projects and programmes, by identifying key bottlenecks and enablers that can enhance the achievement of the Federal Government's promises  to the citizenry.


Provides sufficient guidance to Ministries to meet all the requirements for effective tracking of Presidential Priority Policies, Programmes and Projects including the development of templates and capacity building opportunities.


Serves as secretariat to the implementation committees for Presidential priority policies, programmes and projects.


Conducts spot checks, in collaboration with citizens groups under the umbrella of the OGP, for the verification and validation of performance data submitted by Ministries .


Coordinates Quarterly and Annual Performance Reviews working with reputable independent assessors.


Conducts Annual Ministerial Performance Review Retreats.


Coordinates engagement with citizens on the priority projects while providing up-to-date information using the website and other approved channels of communication.