Reform The Economy To Deliver Sustained And Inclusive Growth
Priority 1
Priority 1 focuses on implementing strategic reforms to foster sustained inclusive growth in the Nigerian economy. We work to create the enabling environment that attracts investments, promotes entrepreneurship, and empowers all sectors of society, by addressing key bottlenecks and challenges.

Priority 2
Strengthen National Security For Peace And Prosperity
Priority 2 focuses on strengthening national security towards creating an environment of peace and prosperity for every citizen. The Federal Government will safeguard the country and promote a sense of security.
Priority 3
Boost Agriculture To Achieve Food Security
Priority 3 focuses on boosting agriculture to achieve food security. The Federal Government will invest in modern farming techniques, support small-scale farmers, and promote sustainable practices towards achieving stable and sufficient food supply in the country.

Priority 5
Enhance Infrastructure And Transportation As Enablers For Growth
Priority 5 focuses on improving infrastructure and transportation systems to drive sustainable economic growth and development. The Federal Government will invest in modern infrastructure and transportation networks to support economic expansion and connectivity.

Priority 6
Focus On Education, Health, And Social Investment As Essential Pillars Of
Priority 6 identifies education, health, and social investment as essential pillars of development. By prioritising these areas, the government aims to improve the overall well-being and quality of life for its citizens.

Priority 4
Unlock Energy And Natural Resources For Sustainable Development
Priority 4 focuses on unlocking the country's energy and natural resources potential to drive sustainable development. The Government will create a foundation for long-term economic growth and environmental sustainability by leveraging these resources to the utmost.

Priority 7
Accelerate Diversification Through Industrialisation, Digitisation, Creative
Arts, Manufacturing, And Innovation
Priority 7 focuses on accelerating the diversification of the economy through industrialisation, digitisation, creative arts, manufacturing, and innovation. The Federal Government will promote these sectors to drive
economic growth, create job opportunities, and foster sustainable development.

Priority 8
Improve Governance For Effective Service Delivery
The Federal Government is committed to serving the Nigerian people dutifully and proving quality services for them. The Government will operate with transparency, accountability, and efficiency and prioritise the people's interest. The administration will hold government officials accountable for their actions, promote transperancy in government processes and build trust and credibility.